The Zeke Proper Book Series by Author Brad Cameron

Something is amiss in Alder Cove. Some say that it has all happened before and that it was bound to happen again.

But these are only rumors.
Some say that wandering by yourself at night, especially in the surrounding hills that border the town, is suicide: there are things out there that will eat you.
But, again, these are only rumors.
They say the river is haunted and that swimming there, in that deep, dark, cold water is treacherous. The current is strong, true, but worse, something lives there, and she, yes, she, will grab you and pull you under, swallowing you in one, painful gulp.
And so it is here, near this river, near these hills, among these rumors, that Zeke and his family has just moved; it is here that Zeke will discover that this seemingly quiet seaside settlement holds a deadly secret.
In his desire to discover the truth of the rumors that the small town holds Zeke discovers that an ancient curse has returned to Alder Cove expecting payment for the prosperity it has enjoyed over the last 30 years. Arriving in his new home, Zeke finds that the deteriorating town has left hidden clues that he must locate in order to protect the town, the people, and most importantly, Zeke's own family from further destruction and death.
Zeke and his two friends, along with Zeke's own father who shares in some of the secrets the town holds, brave a night of terror and possible death as they fight to rid the town of its curse. With the help of prophetic dreams, ancient manuscripts and Runes, the battle with the mythical Korrigan becomes an unforgettable climactic moment of good versus evil.

Brad Cameron is a High School English teacher who has been inspired to write Young Adult fiction through his countless hours of teaching and reading to young adults. With his wife Laurie, also an educator, Brad makes his home in the Pacific Northwest. Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove is his first novel. The Sequel, Zeke Proper and the Serpent's Ship, is underway and soon to be completed.
Brad has included the art work of his son Corey in both the cover design and the interior illustrations.

Check out this review from
Solidly written YA novel, August 5, 2010
This review is from: Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice At Alder Cove (Paperback)
Typically I am not a fan of Young Adult Lit. I often find them to be over telling and poorly written, borderline corny. This is not the case with "Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove". The novel opens with a prologue exposing the rumors and secrets of the small coastal town an hour and a half south of Halifax. As the mystery unfolds, we are introduced to fabulous characters. My favorite: Taylre. She is spunky, enthusiastic, and totally geeky. I immediately wanted to reach my arms into the novel and give her a giant hug. Zeke himself is clever and brave, albeit at times a bit foolhardy. Nevertheless, Taylre and his younger brother Devon bring him back to clearer thinking.

At times the description gets a little gruesome, perhaps a little much for the lower end of the age spectrum of the intended audience. However, the characters uncovering the truth behind the town is the true driving force. Moreover, the climax had me biting my lip in anticipation, almost yelling at the characters to, "Hurry up!"

The book is addicting. I finished it virtually overnight. The writing is good with quality description and realistic geeky teen dialogue. You dislike the bad characters and fall in love with the good. All in all, it was a satisfying read, and I am excited for the sequel.
Cheers. Please buy the book on

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scholastic Book Fair Book signing

Such a busy week! I spent two fantastic evenings at Eastwood Elementary School signing copies of Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove while the Scholastic Book Fair continued on behind me. Yes, there were actually times when there was a small line up in front of my table for kids waiting for their own signed copy. How fun is that?

The next event where the book will be available for a signature will happen either at Jan's Paperbacks again on TV Hwy and 182nd in Beaverton, or at the Southern Oregon Book and Author Fair in Ashland, Oregon on the 20th of November. Both events will happen in November, I'm just not sure quite yet which one will happen first.

Keep in mind that Christmas is just around the corner. What a great idea it would be to present yourself or a loved one with a signed copy of Zeke Proper... Go to my website or to the next event for your copy. If you live close by give me a call, I always have copies available at the house.

Talk to ya'll soon,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Book Signing at Jan's Paperbacks

Just trying to make things happen while sitting at Jan's Paperbacks. Much thanks to Debbie, the owner of Jan's for her promotion of the event. The signing was marginally successful and I had the chance to talk with some old and new friends which is always a pleasure.

Thanks to all for the support so far. I feel like the book is just starting to gain some momentum, but there's still a long way to go. Please continue to spread the word around -it's a great read.

Later, Brad

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rockin' Roll

So, first and foremost is the news that tomorrow, Saturday, August 28 Brad will be doing a phone interview with KUIK 1360 AM radio. The interview will happen sometime between 10:30 am and 11:00. If you can, be sure to listen in.

Last night Brad was at Last Thursday, an event that happens in the summer In NE Portland on Alberta St. He joined his buddy, Chad Towe, with his Neighborgoods T-shirt van to do some book signings. A very fun event with a truly eclectic group of people passing by and buying books.

Brad's next big event will be on September 11, 2010. he will be at Jan's Paperbacks on TV Highway and 185th doing a book signing. If you can make we would love to see you.

That's all for now.
Peace to all and keep reading and writing

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jacobsen's Book Signing

Here are some recent pics of the August 3, 2010 book signing at Jacobsen's. A very successful night. Be sure to mark your calendars for the next one: Sept. 11, 2010 at Jan's Paperbacks.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

News from Oceanside, California

Okay, picture a place where the sun shines, the ocean breeze delights the senses, the palm trees sway, and the people are very friendly. That's Oceanside, California. The home of my first official book signing.

Corey and I joined together to form a great team as writer and illustrator for Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove. We also got together for a combined Art Show and book signing at Hensley's, a bar and grill near Corey's home.

The venue was a perfect location for friends and strangers alike to gather. We enjoyed some food and drink. We made new friends and were reacquainted with some old ones. And, we sold some art and some books.

I'll soon be back in the Portland area where I'll resume my lunge forward for more book sales and continue my writing so that book two in the series will be ready soon.

Thanks again for all of your support. I look forward to seeing all of my fans at the next book signing. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Cheers, Brad

Monday, July 12, 2010

An Author's Dream Come True

I've been anticipating this day for quite awhile: the day my book finally arrives. With it I hope to begin a long yet satisfying journey. Of course a great deal depends upon you, the reader; the fan. Please help spread the word. Order a copy of your own so that the big book sellers will take notice. Let people know that there's a new and exciting read out there that isn't just for kids or youth, but for people of all ages.

I will be heading to San Diego tomorrow to do a book signing with my son Corey. He, of course, did the cover design and all of the interior illustrations. He and I will be hosting an art show/book signing. This will be the first of many such events. I'm hoping that you'll be able to attend one of them. Be sure to bring a friend or two.

I plan on taking lots of pictures at Thursday's event. Be sure to log back on to check out how things went.

Thanks again for all of your support.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Latest Publishing News

Hi, everyone,

I believe that the last time I got on my Facebook fan page, I announced that my book Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove, would be available for order by June 11. Well, that has not come to fruition. I went back and read the email that I was sent by the publisher and discovered that that date was merely tentative...bummer. What I did receive from the publisher was a series of proofs for my marketing material. This included bookmarks, posters, postcards, and business cards. Keep in mind that this was sent via email. I now have to approve the material. There are a few minor changes that I want to make which will add more time to the delivery of the book, but I want everything to be done right. I'm sure that Zeke would approve.

Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have any left over, please send it my way. I could really use it. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures. One is of Author and Editor (Katherine Watkins). The other is the Poster. Note that I will be adding a tag line on the poster just above my name. It will read: "Hold the stones high, let their light shine, and live!"

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Cover for the New Book - Zeke finally sees himself on the cover

Dear Fans,
As you can see, the cover for the new book has now been made available. Brad still has a few more items to deal with, but will soon get everything finalized and coordinated with the publisher. We hope you enjoy the exciting book cover as much as we do. Stay tuned as the book release gets closer and closer.

Peace, Zeke.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Who Am I?

Hello. Welcome to my Blog. For those of you who are new to the Zeke Proper Fan Page, I thought that it would be appropriate to provide you with a little information as to who I am and the exciting adventure that lay ahead for you as a reader, and for me, the main character. So please, allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Zeke Proper, I am a fictional character created by Brad Cameron in a soon to be released Young Adult novel titled Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove. The full length twenty chapter book is scheduled to be released sometime in mid to late June of 2010.

I, Zeke, consider myself to be a bold, curious young teenager. In the first of this three book series, I move with my small family to my father’s boyhood town. However, what I don't realize is that this tiny seaside settlement holds a deadly secret. An ancient curse has returned to the town of Alder Cove expecting payment for the prosperity it has enjoyed over the last 30 years. When I arrive in my new home, I soon discover that the deteriorating town has left hidden clues that I and my friends must locate in order to protect the town, the people, and most importantly, my family from further destruction and death.

With the help of prophetic dreams, ancient manuscripts and Runes, and my own cunning stealth, the battle with the curse becomes an unforgettable, climactic moment of good versus evil.

Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove is Brad's first novel. For him it has been a labor of love that has been 3 years in the process. It is his attempt to add to his passion to teach English through studying and teaching the kind of books that connect with young readers. Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove is one of those books.

So, join Brad and I on this exciting journey. The ride should be a blast. And please know that both Brad and I are extremely thankful for your support.

Please share the Blog site and the Fan Page. The more the merrier. Also, you can look forward to the 2nd book, Zeke Proper and the Serpent's Ship, an exciting continuation to my adventures.

Zeke, out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I had an interesting experience yesterday as I attended the PSU writing conference. The conference is intended for elementary through high school future writers and includes workshops, guest speakers, etc. The main speaker for the day was Roland Smith, a well known and prolific Young Adult author. He's written Sasquatch, Zach's Lie, Thunder Cave, and many more. My real purpose in going to the conference was to watch Roland and observe his style as he mingled among the youth and gave his presentation. So, a couple of thing of note:

1. I was disappointed in what he wore. He dressed like a farmer who was headed out to pull weeds or milk the cow. A sweat shirt and a grubby pair of jeans just doesn't cut it as far as I'm concerned. Put on a jacket (a tie is not necessary). At least try to look somewhat professional. He was standing in front of three to four hundred kids. I think that is important. It makes an impression.

2. He needed to be more about the literature and less about Roland Smith. A little humility please.

3. He gave a very good presentation. Obviously one that he'd given many times before. It was full of colorful power point slides and some good ideas about what it takes to be a writer.

4. His ideas about the process of writing were great and I'm sure the kids got some good ideas, however, Roland Smith's way is not the only way. That point needed to be made more clearly.

Overall, though it was a good event. I was able to talk to the gentleman who organizes it and offered my services for next year. I'm hoping he takes me up on it.

Later, Brad

Friday, April 30, 2010

© 2010 Brad Cameron
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of
the author.
First published by Dog Ear Publishing
4010 W. 86th Street, Ste H
Indianapolis, IN 46268I

I know, it seems a little hokey, but there's not much else to show right now. This is an example of the copyright page. I just did a quick copy and paste. Hopefully when I get sent a copy of what the cover is going to look like then I can paste an example of that onto this blog. All indications are that that may happen very soon. Possible this week

Until then I will keep on writing. I'm just over 20,000 words in the sequel. That's about 100 pages. The story is getting good. It even surprises me when the story develops like it does.

Later, Brad

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Keeping it updated...

I really had to add this one last illustration to make the collection complete. This is another one that Corey did to replace the one of the Captain arriving on his small fishing boat. It's a little scarier, but I think it conveys just how creepy that particular chapter is. Please note the weird eyes of Mr. Roberts and the tree behind him that appears to have arms reaching around him... ooooooooh! Scaary!

So far everything is up to date as far as the release of the book. I should be receiving a "Proof" within the next couple of weeks. When I get that I'll be able to see what the actual cover is going to look like as well as the inside page with all of the copyright information included. I'll also be able to see the first 100 pages or so, just to get an idea of what the layout is going to look like... very exciting.

All indications are that the book will be released in mid June, but if there are any changes I'll be sure to let everyone know.
I had a fairly successful spring break because I made a few very positive contacts with some bookstores in the Truckee, Lake Tahoe area. My hope is that I'll be able to do some book signings there is the summer. But again, I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

So until then, keep reading.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Publishing at last!

I really wanted to add this latest illustration by Corey. He is so Amazing.

Last week the decision to publish with Dog Ear Publishing, a company out of Indianapolis, was made. I am very excited. I've been in contact with the publisher dude who has put me to work gathering and formatting my material. Today I finally sent in the files. I was waiting for Corey to put the finishing touches on two of the five illustrations that will be included in the book. He worked under a bit of pressure to get them done, but as you can see, he's done a great job. Corey's art work will also become the cover design.

What a team!

If all goes well the book will be out and ready for distribution sometime around June. I will keep you all updated on Website info., ordering info., and book signing info. So stay tuned.

Thanks for your support,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Courage of the Captain

"Peter Roberts raised his hands into the air as if he were summoning the wind to blow and the sky to fall. His head lifted too and he began to shout as if the river and the fields were his congregation of devoted listeners. "For ye were sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the shepherd and bishop of your soul!"

Lowering his hands and arms, he smiled, his mouth turned up into a grin, but his eyes revealing nothing but scorn. "We've been waiting for you, Bartholomew," Roberts said calmly, his pale skin outlining the black, depthless eyes that mirrored a kind of pleasure in his taunt. " Yes, Bartholomew, we've been waiting a long time, almost thirty years now. It's good of you to finally show up."

Excerpt from Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove.
Illustration by Corey Cameron

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Silouette at the Door

The light coming in from the top of the stairs was blocked by a large silhouetted figure. Its abrupt appearance loomed before them like a dark specter from some insane nightmare.

"You'll not be findin' anything in there that'll help ya'," the voice from the open door said. "If it's answers you're lookin' for, you've come to the wrong place."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"His legs felt light and powerful. His breathing became deep and clear. He felt as if he could leap over the highest tree, or run at incredible speed. The strength he felt as he extended his arms over his head with the twenty-four stones cradled in his hands enabled him with this power. He felt clean and pure.

Hold the stones high. Let their light shine and live."

Excerpt from Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove - by Brad Cameron

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove

"Taylre was becoming annoyed. Mr. Roberts' manner was too robotic, his smile, she could see, was fake, and there was no doubt in her mind that something iniquitous was going on in the room behind him. In fact, her intuition suggested that Mr. Roberts' job at this very moment was to keep her away at all costs. This was the most disturbing thing of all." - Excerpt from the novel Zeke Proper and the Sacrifice at Alder Cove

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day 2010 - Here's to New Beginnings

Do you remember Y2K? The world, as we "technically" knew it, was supposed to come to an end. Planes were supposed to fall from the sky, all of our personal information including financial records, tax information, and permanent records from school (you know, the ones our elementary teachers said existed. The ones they "placed" a list of all our bad deeds in. The ones that held all the nasty information that would eventually follow us for the rest of our lives. Kind of like the "big book" for the final day of judgment-maybe not a bad thing to get rid of) were supposed to suddenly disappear in a sudden flash of computer amnesia. Well, now we've moved into a new decade, one that promises another Y2K of sorts. This one, of course, originates with the Mayans, those guys who apparently couldn't finish a calendar to save their lives (or ours). So, what are we to do? Hold our collective breaths, bury our heads in the sand, and wait for that fateful day of December 21, 2012 to approach? Or do we hold our heads high, spread our arms wide, look up into the sunny sky (or starry night, which ever you choose) and say, "bring it on! Either that, or step aside, 'cause I got things to do!"

I choose the latter.

I think my pals on Facebook, Nicole and Katherine, have it right (but of course Katherine said it using the most colorful language she could muster. ie: @#$%&*, and *&#%@). they said leaning on our one year resolutions was not enough...I agree. Let's look to tomorrow, next month, next year, and beyond. Set your bar high and then reach for it, whatever your desires may be.

I have a book or two in me that needs to be published. I can't let some Mayan calendar maker put a damper on my motivation to write. And neither can you, my faithful followers. Write, travel, love, create, immerse yourself in good literature, take that class you've always wanted to take, climb that mountain (Laurie), and seize the day!

I say, "Bring it on!" and Happy New Beginnings